Insurance Brokers

Sell insurance products direct online, or to assocations, giving them their own management portal. Create schemes and digitise your sales process to scale, offering advice when needed

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Underwriting Agencies

Distribute products via a networks of brokerages, with portal logins, reporting and self management tools. Offer a range of value-adds to make yourself their first choice when placing business

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Insurance Companies

Launch products at speed, selling direct to customers, or via networks of brokerages. Integrate securely via APIs to leverage your existing tech, and access enterprise and global distribution features

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Insurtech Startups

Access a platform that lets you get started at low cost, to quickly launch and capture market share. Avoid spending years building core insurance tech, so you can instead focus on your unique offering

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See uBind in Action

Explore our effective insurance user journeys, discover our agent sales tools, and find out how our deep feature set will help you achieve your objectives.

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